Wednesday, April 3, 2013

IBM Informix v12.10 supports ESRI 10.x Libraries

The Spatial module of IBM Informix is tailored to ESRI’s ArcSDE application server. Informix Spatial is based on ESRI’s geometry engine (Shape library) and the spatial data extension supports the new functions from ESRI SDE 10.1 libraries. It supports additional set of new functions, support overlapping IDs for spatial referencing definitions, provides support for annotation, SDE format, etc. The integration provides consistent results of spatial operations on all software tiers: database, middleware (ArcSDE), client (ArcGIS, ArcIMS).

Support for the latest 10.x libraries eases the porting and migration efforts from other competitor databases in the market to IBM Informix.

Tuesday, April 2, 2013

IBM Informix Spatial is best suited for GIS solutions

IBM Informix Spatial is optimized for processing location-based data sets, extending the capabilities of database engine to manage Geographic Information Systems (GIS). Informix Spatial is implemented as a data type in a unique way to provide attractive performance and storage characteristics to manage and analyze location based data sets. It is integrated at kernel level and thus helps leverage all the other features of Informix such as Replication, Continuous Availability, SOA, etc to name a few.

Refer to the following document to know in detail as to Why Informix Spatial is best suited for GIS solutions.